The world’s first software solution for market positioning. Built for startups.

Tell your startup’s story like the boss you are.

BLUPRNT is the world’s first AI-powered software for market positioning – helping startups confidently articulate their story, stand out from the competition and win more customers. Then, repeat.


  • Develop your identity

  • Define your customer 

  • Audit your competition 

  • Assess your market positioning

  • Auto-generate messaging that connects with customers

  • Revise your BLUPRNT whenever your business evolves

  • Feel super cool when talking about your startup

Built for startups.

We built BLUPRNT to be the brand strategy solution that works for startups – it’s all of our experience building great brands distilled down to the essentials – a convenient, intuitive and iterative experience that moves at your pace and evolves with your business, helping you launch, iterate and launch again.

Discover the Sweet Spot where your business uniquely connects with your customers.

BLUPRNT automatically generates your unique value proposition and more based on 100+ inputs, delivering your authentic position in the marketplace instantly.

  • "Their formulaic approach to identifying your brand position was incredibly thought out and better yet, it just worked. Poof, after a few hours, there it is, sitting right in front of you."

    Wyatt, Founder @ Wyatt Design

  • "BLUPRNT has helped me a lot – everything aligned well with how I envision my company and the few surprises were super positive. This really did give me more confidence in my marketing materials and how I talk with folks about the company. The biggest positive is I am less stressed about competition."

    Shannon, Founder @ SMOutfitters

  • "Would highly recommend for any stage of your brand development or team goals!"

    Sydney, Marketing @ The Gear Fix


Startups that clearly and concisely communicate their unique value proposition to customers significantly increase their chances of success. With BLUPRNT, sharing your startup’s story has never been easier.

35% of startups fail due to poor marketing strategy + losing to the competition (CBInsights)


  1. Create your account in minutes

  2. Complete each section at your own pace

  3. Automatically generate your BLUPRNT

  4. Start crushing your marketing + sales

Ready to kickstart your startup’s story?

If you’ve got questions you’re not alone - developing your market positioning can feel kinda like doing your taxes. Or, at least it used to.

(In fact, that’s why we created BLUPRNT)

  • BLUPRNT is a user-led software solution for startups that want to identify their unique place in the market as well as develop their value proposition for sharing with customers. Think of it like a brand strategy workshop without the consultant.

  • Your startup is evolving fast – new product features, customers and competitors are the norm… with BLUPRNT your positioning and value proposition stay up-to-date as things change, so you’re always repping the best version of your business.

    In the past, businesses would invest large amounts of time and money into a once-every-few-years strategic workshop to establish their market positioning, value proposition, the works… because these experiences were highly time consuming and expensive, most anyone who has gone through the experience has become conditioned to believe that this is not an iterative process – with BLUPRNT, startups can update any element of their identity, customer profile or competitive set in a few minutes and in doing so, change their market positioning almost instantly. This allows startups to iterate their brand as often as any other element of their business. Cool, right?

  • BLUPRNT is a carefully crafted series of brand strategy workflows based on the best practices of the world’s most beloved brands, combined with proprietary algorithms for delivering unique messaging for every startup.

    We spent countless hours standardizing real-world consultative exercises – exercises utilized at the world’s top agencies as well as for brands including Nike, Starbucks, VISA and countless others – to create BLUPRNT’s responsive workflows. We trained our AI assistant, Brandon, using over two decades of personal experience in creative services in order to reflect our specific philosophy and help startups like no one else.

  • According to Coursera, “a brand strategy is a framework that determines how businesses present themselves to customers and stand out among competitors.” The ‘sweet spot’ where an effective brand strategy hits is called ‘market positioning’. This is what BLUPRNT helps startups achieve.

    There are countless definitions for all things brand. And honestly, they’re all subjective. Everyone has an opinion and we all know what they say about opinions… internally, we sometimes replace ‘brand’ with ‘potato’ just to get past the baggage. Give it a try sometime.

  • That is 100% up to you! We designed BLUPRNT so that startups can move at their own pace.

    BLUPRNT is divided into a series of workflows that take 5-15min each to complete. You can complete each workflow independently from the others.

    Some of our customers have completed their BLUPRNT in less than 2hrs. Others like to take weeks. And everyone tends to jump back in as things evolve with their startup – BLUPRNT is quick and easy to iterate as things change.

  • Current alternatives to BLUPRNT include DIY (read a book, Google stuff, just wing it…) and traditional consultation, either with an individual brand consultant or an agency. While DIY works at your own pace and is cost-effective, many startups find the process difficult to understand and struggle to manifest their market positioning as effectively as they’d like; on the other hand, traditional consultation is generally time-consuming (days, weeks, months… our co-founder Jamie had a client that spent over a year on their strategy!) and expensive, ranging from $5k-250k for a workshop. We created BLUPRNT to be the alternative that works for startups: intuitive, accessible and iterative.

  • Probably right now. BLUPRNT is ideal for validating your idea, developing your brand and go-to-market strategy, quickly gut-checking your current strategy, creating alignment amongst your team members and can even help you create marketing + sales content with our AI assistant, Brandon.

    And, since your BLUPRNT subscription is good for a year you can get going today or in three months. Get started when it works for you.

  • BLUPRNT is available internationally to startups everywhere.

    BLUPRNT is optimized for desktop and mobile as well as most browsers. We suggest using BLUPRNT when and wherever the heck you want as is convenient for you.

  • Yes. Your information is not accessible by anyone other than you and BLUPRNT. We will never share and of your information with any other businesses. While data in BLURPNT is used to train our AI assistant, Brandon, this data does not feed into any LLM datasets and is protected by our privacy policy. Simply put, we entrust our AI technology to protect our IP and so can you.

Ok, for real. Ready to get started?